Wednesday 16 March 2016

Tips to buy lipstick online

Women who wear makeup know the importance of a lipstick and how a lipstick can completely change the look of her. If a woman is wearing a pretty statement lipstick then it’s her lips that will do all the talking. This is why a woman really needs to think about the matte lipstick shades that she chooses to wear.

First, a woman has to decide what shades and hues of lipsticks will fit her the most. Her shade of lipstick will convey the mood that she is trying to create. It can vary from nude or natural to demure and sometimes even vampy. When or if you want to try on different shades of branded lipstick at the store, then you should NEVER put on lipstick from the counter. This is because many other different women are putting the lipstick on their mouth. YUCK! Instead, you should apply the lipstick to the back of your hand. Then, you can hold it up by your cheek by a good light.

If you don't want to be bothered with the makeup counter, then you can go to makeup blogs, and you can check out lipstick sample swatches that have been posted online for you. This way, you can check out the latest lipstick colours for you, in the most sanitary way and then buy lipstick online.

Compare the hue of the matte lipstick shades to your complexion. If you are fair and light, then you should wear more soft and cool tones. If you are medium to olive, then you should wear warmer shades. And, if you are of a dark complexion, then you can wear a wide variety of bright colours.

You can also use another tool that you naturally have, when it comes to choosing the right lipstick for your skin. You can use the tones of your teeth. If you have yellowed or dull teeth, then you can realize brighter teeth when you wear a lipstick with blue undertones. Ideally, you should be wearing a hue of lipstick that is a couple of shades darker, or a couple of shades lighter than your skin.

Also, you should choose your shades and hues of lipstick according to the occasion that you are wearing the lipstick. If you are wearing the lipstick to the office then neutral or nude tones of pink work the best. In case you are out on a party then opt for a bright shade like fuchsia pink or red. So, depending on the occasion and complexion you can buy your shade of lipstick. Besides lipstick, you can also buy cosmetics online like kajal, concealer, etc.

Click here to buy one >> Buy Cosmetics Online

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing tips to buy lipstick online. These tips is very useful to find branded lipstick online for her person.
